A Transformational Birth Coaching Journey for Passionate & Growth-Oriented Moms
I invite you on a journey that will support you to do the work of personal-growth in pregnancy, help you feel prepared on every level to consciously and actively participate in your birth journey, and give you the tools you need to transform the way you live, love, and mother.
You are truly excited to become a Mom and a little nervous, realizing all the things you don’t know.
You want to do everything you can to feel totally ready on every level for birth and motherhood.
You feel overwhelmed by all the information and advice coming at you from every angle.
You long for guidance that deeply resonates with your personal values.
You Don’t Know Where to Start
You could probably spend your entire pregnancy just sorting through all the information, services, and products being pushed on pregnant people these days. But, really, handy products and cute keepsakes are no substitute for the kind of profound personal change you long for…
You Feel Like There is More to Birth
You sense a potent opportunity in pregnancy for personal growth and transformation that your friends, family, and care providers aren’t really talking about—and may not even realize is possible! You want to reconnect with your inner wild, consciously cultivate your personal resources, and do the change-work so you can show up fully for your birthing journey, actively participate in the process, and navigate it all with confidence.
You Want a Personal Guide
You can sense you are in mysterious terrain, and that there is a profound opportunity for personal growth and transformation. You want a guide to help you make the most of this precious experience. You want someone who will really listen to you and support you according to your unique values, deep longings, and authentic vision for your birth.
Stay with me
and read on.
Becoming a mother can be magnificent.
But, it’s not easy.
Let’s do the work together.
Hi! I’m Christina
I help passionate, growth-oriented moms just like you get participate more consciously in the birthing journey
and live, love, and mother with unyielding authenticity and confidence.
No matter where you are in your childbearing journey, if you are a passionate, growth-oriented mom wanting one-on-one support to help you prepare for birth on every level, from the practical and physical to the emotional and spiritual, then I’d love to get to know you!
Booking a free 30-minute discovery call is the next step to finding out if we are a good match. During our zoom or phone call, we talk about the kind of support I can offer you as I get to know you and more about the longings, intentions, and fears associated with pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.
The Transformational Birth Journey come in 3-, 6-, and 9-month packages, so you can start at any point in pregnancy, and make sure you have the support you need when baby comes, too. We meet weekly for 90 minutes so that you get an opportunity to deepen into and build on the progress from week to week in preparation for birth and mothering, as well as receive help with all the body and baby questions that naturally arise at different points in pregnancy. I welcome birth partners, doulas, and other support people into our sessions as desired, but my foundational focus is always on meeting your needs along the way.

“With Christina’s guidance, I became the mother I needed to be.“
My desire for my first time birth was to be as natural as possible, while delivering at a hospital. I’m so thankful to have spent much of my third trimester preparing mentally, emotionally, and physically with Christina to make sure that I could be open and ready, follow my heart and lead our birth journey with confidence. Each session helped me become more confident in myself and grounded in my strength as a mom, realizing that I’m my baby’s best advocate and it’s my responsibility to stand up for what I believe and know is best for her.
With Christina’s guidance, I became the mother I needed to be — starting with how our baby would make her journey into the world. I felt that my husband and I had the practice, knowledge, and remote support necessary to create a beautiful first labor and delivery. Most importantly, all of the work that we did with Christina beforehand helped us navigate some very tough hospital conversations before birth and make our first big decision as parents … all with complete serenity.
We were wholly aligned in our decisions and followed our intuition that led to our dream birth outcome. I have never felt more spiritually connected and in tune with my body and baby, than during what I consider a miraculous and empowering birth. This was by far the most monumental event in my life and having Christina as a birth coach throughout truly made it a dream experience that I am proud to share and will treasure always.
Ann Stout
Hospital Birth of First Baby
I have gathered over 15 years of experience guiding passionate and growth-oriented moms and turned them into a powerful transformational birth coaching program.

A Transformational Birth Coaching Program for Passionate & Growth-Oriented Moms
At the center of our transformational work is cultivating your embodied, intuitive connection with your body and baby. We focus on identifying, accessing, and developing the personal resources that you already have within you. This fulfilling work will root you in your power and ease the many decisions only you can make for yourself and your baby along the way. You will have more capacity to be fully embodied and actively participate in your birth, and to live, love, and mother with unyielding authenticity and confidence.
By joining the Tranformational Birth Coaching Journey program, you will cultivate an intuitive and embodied relationship with your changing body and your growing baby, get rooted in your inner wild, cultivate your personal power, make supportive plans for birth and postpartum, and have all your practical questions answered along the way.
I will guide you step-by-step through the process of preparing for birth on every level so that you can:
Feel Confident and Ready for Birth
In pregnancy we are cultivating fertile ground for the transformational birth experience you desire. You will feel thoroughly prepared on every level, from practical supplies to embodied and psychological resources to deep spiritual connection with your body and baby.
Actively Participate in Your Transformational Birth Journey
All the beautiful preparatory work you have done in pregnancy will give you what you need to stay fiercely present and embodied throughout the birthing journey, as you actively choose, moment-by-moment to let go of your previous identity and be shaped by the mysterious power of birth into the Mother you long to be.
Live, Love, and Mother with Unyielding Authenticity and Confidence
You will take all the reclaimed wisdom and embodied power you have gained during the journey with you into the rest of your life. You will have the tools to navigate the inevitable twists and turns in life with an unshakeable inner authority and find more peace and joy in the day-to-day.
Transformational Birth Coaching’s
Core Elements
While every single transformational birth journey is unique, there are some foundational approaches I call on with every client.
Connect with Your Inner Power
If you want to fully participate in your life, birth like a goddess, and own your parenting decisions, you first need to solidly connect with your inner power. Really connect with it. In a full-bodied, you-can-imagine-the-inner-landscape-of-your-sovereign-temple kind of way. Then, everything you do, every decision you make will from deep within and you won’t be sloshing around in the soup of everyone else’s needs, hopes, and fears. The answers are clear and you can take the wheel of your own life as a woman, lover, and mother.
When you connect with your power you will:
Live, love, and mother with confidence, all from a place of deep intuition, embodied knowing, and unyielding authenticity
Imagine Your Birth
When you imagine your birth, I support you to articulate your deepest longing, imagine the wildest beauty, the dreamiest support. Together, we will work through limiting beliefs, strengthen your inner resources, and find creative ways to help you live into your longings, so that no matter where you are planning to give birth, you are empowered to let labor flow according to your intuitive rhythms and instinctive nature.
By imagining your birth you will:
Have an imaginal map and a spiritual blueprint for your birth journey.
Call in Support
Support can look a thousand different ways, from a loving, physically present partner to the support of a particular affirmation, a special animal or plant, Mother Earth all around, or a ancestor or grandmother bringing wisdom from the other side.
There may be nothing more important to a birthing woman than the emotional sense of being supported. We work together to build your team of support in a holistic, resilient way, so that all the aspects of your being can let go into the unknown territory of birth.
By calling in support you will: Feel abundantly resourced and cared for on all levels
Design Your Postpartum Sanctuary
Nullam tincidunt felis in varius condimentum. Morbi pulvinar arcu ac massa aliquet consectetur. Suspendisse velit mauris, maximus quis faucibus ac, sodales ac urna. Pellentesque sapien diam, laoreet at ipsum in, pretium molestie risus. Suspendisse facilisis mi at tellus suscipit, sed finibus nisi ultricies. Etiam gravida, nibh eget dictum rhoncus, est eros pulvinar erat, sed vestibulum lorem velit in dui. Quisque sed tortor at nisl suscipit elementum.
Mauris sollicitudin ante magna, lacinia pharetra tortor aliquam eget. Sed nec augue sit amet purus consectetur commodo. Sed pretium dolor ex, vel placerat tellus tincidunt ac. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin posuere quam et velit posuere, sed feugiat urna condimentum. Aliquam consequat ultrices mi, eu facilisis sem rhoncus nec. Duis sit amet eros convallis, gravida nunc quis, congue risus. Integer et ullamcorper urna.
By the end of this module you will: *Summarize the main outcome of this module in one or two sentences.*
The awesome bonuses that will be there to support you throughout your transformational birth journey
Mauris sollicitudin ante magna, lacinia pharetra tortor aliquam eget. Sed nec augue sit amet purus consectetur commodo. Sed pretium dolor ex, vel placerat tellus tincidunt ac. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Bonus Resource Title
Mauris sollicitudin ante magna, lacinia pharetra tortor aliquam eget. Sed nec augue sit amet purus consectetur commodo. Sed pretium dolor ex, vel placerat tellus tincidunt ac. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin posuere quam et velit posuere, sed feugiat urna condimentum.
(Price = $97)↝ Included with your “Title” Journey

Bonus Resource Title
Mauris sollicitudin ante magna, lacinia pharetra tortor aliquam eget. Sed nec augue sit amet purus consectetur commodo. Sed pretium dolor ex, vel placerat tellus tincidunt ac. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin posuere quam et velit posuere, sed feugiat urna condimentum.
(Price = $97)↝ Included with your “Title” Journey
Book a Free Discovery Call
Describe how your program has a sliding scaled designed to fit your ideal client’s particular needs. Mention how the free discovery call will give them an opportunity to discuss those needs and find out if you’re a good fit.
3-Month Journey
Morbi sollicitudin, tellus vel facilisis viverra, est nisi pretium enim, sit amet imperdiet lorem lectus a tellus. Duis risus quam, ultricies id nibh sollicitudin, sodales egestas massa. Nulla quis blandit ligula.
Investment: $997
6-Month Journey
Morbi sollicitudin, tellus vel facilisis viverra, est nisi pretium enim, sit amet imperdiet lorem lectus a tellus. Duis risus quam, ultricies id nibh sollicitudin, sodales egestas massa. Nulla quis blandit ligula.
Investment: $1997
9-Month Journey
Morbi sollicitudin, tellus vel facilisis viverra, est nisi pretium enim, sit amet imperdiet lorem lectus a tellus. Duis risus quam, ultricies id nibh sollicitudin, sodales egestas massa. Nulla quis blandit ligula.
Investment: $2997
More beautiful words from other passionate and growth-oriented parents
I’ve been blessed to accompany dozens of passionate and growth-oriented parents on their transformational birth journeys. Here’s what some of my wonderful clients had to say about working with me:

“Christina has held space for me to explore the vast expanses of my soul, time and time again, in a safe, trustworthy, humorous, true way.”
If there could be only one person at my side during a time of initiation, if I had to share my scariest secret with only one person, I would surely choose Christina. With the greatest integrity, Christina has walked beside me during many life transitions.
I have called for her help with miscarriage, pregnancy and postpartum support and other major life moments. She has held space for me to explore the vast expanses of my soul, time and time again, in a safe, trustworthy, humorous, true way.
I find myself walking away after being with her as a more beautiful human being, understanding myself better, giving myself more permission, with a desire to create lovely things, and in a restored state of health.
She is highly practical and has an intellectual understanding of what she offers as well as a depth of wisdom coming from deep within herself and informed by her encounters with nature.
Liz Kriso
Home Miscarriage & Unassisted Homebirth of 2nd Full-term Baby

“Leading up to the birth it made me more and more nervous, but you guided us through the whole thing. We are grateful parents.”
I just want to say thanks, first and foremost. The level of care that you provided for us was amazing and I felt like it never stopped even to this day a year later. You still answer all of our questions.
But going back to Katherine being pregnant, you did an amazing job with her. From the beginning of our journey to getting pregnant to the birth. As a first time father, I felt comfortable and trusted you from the beginning. You worked with us on our schedule. If I had to rate this on a scale of 1-10 it would be a 10.
Leading up to the birth it made me more and more nervous, but you guided us through the whole thing. We are grateful parents. Getting to experience the birth at home was one of the best things I’ve ever experienced.
I also highly recommended you to those who want to experience the experience that I had with you! Thank you so much.
Juan Bautista
Homebirth Dad of First Baby
“Christina is knowledgeable, empowering, and tuned-in. She has this gift of providing resources and answers while also making you feel more empowered and capable on your own.”
Christina was an angel and a godsend during the last month or so of my pregnancy. I found her when my baby was breech and I was looking for resources. At the time I wasn’t getting the support I needed from my midwife, and Christina’s support was exactly what I needed.
While other practitioners minimized my concerns and anxieties, she listened carefully and gave me tools or suggestions for EVERYTHING I was concerned about. I felt empowered knowing there was something I could do to increase the chances of a better birth outcome, and/or help with my anxiety.
Christina is knowledgeable, empowering, and tuned-in. She has this gift of providing resources and answers while also making you feel more empowered and capable on your own. She helped me when I had a preeclampsia scare, and when my baby was late. I ended up giving birth to an 11 lb 2 oz baby at home in 6.5 hours!!! (First baby.) That is something I will forever be proud of and Christina’s support and knowledge was invaluable in making that possible.
Carissa Morris
Homebirth of First Baby
“It was so good for me to spend time reflecting on my past experiences with labor, and to realize that I hold a lot of negative feelings around stories of my own birth.”
I ended up choosing to be induced after my due date, but was only in labor for 4 hours and had a successful VBAC. Andrew and I used all of your suggestions for movement (and kicking out the nurses) in early labor, and I think it really helped both physically and mentally to have a plan to focus on. Marion wasn’t engaged when I arrived at the hospital, and I don’t think the induction would have been as successful if we hadn’t been purposeful about the Spinning Babies activities.
The psoas release and other pregnancy activities definitely helped me to be more comfortable at the end of pregnancy. It was great for me to have the accountability of doing daily stretches that required a partner.
I think your suggestion to take time to consider what I really wanted from my labor and birth was equally important. It was so good for me to spend time reflecting on my past experiences with labor, and to realize that I hold a lot of negative feelings around stories of my own birth. Thank you for giving me the nudge to acknowledge the emotional and spiritual aspect of this birth.
Although I had hoped to go into labor spontaneously, I’m grateful that I had an experience of birth that was so much more calm than my past births. I cried when I realized that I was actually going to give birth after only a few hours of labor — I didn’t believe that was possible for me! Marion entered the world without trauma, and I was able to hold her immediately which was such a joy! I am hopeful that the work I began with this pregnancy and birth will continue to bear fruit, whether or not we are blessed with another child.
Thank you so much for your guidance and advice, and for all the work you have done which made it possible for me to find you. It was wonderful just to know that I wasn’t crazy for thinking there was more to do to prepare for Marion’s birth. Your presence, even from afar, was a gift to us!
Eryn Goldstein
VBAC Hospital Birth
— FAQs —
Answering Your Frequently Asked Qs
If you have any further questions, I’m happy to answer them. Feel free to get in touch via email: [email protected]
Frequently Asked Question
Donec lobortis nisl sit amet purus tempor, at dictum sapien rutrum. Donec laoreet fermentum dui id rhoncus. Etiam vitae gravida libero, sed ultricies elit. Praesent tortor arcu, euismod et euismod at, blandit eget lorem.
Frequently Asked Question
Donec lobortis nisl sit amet purus tempor, at dictum sapien rutrum. Donec laoreet fermentum dui id rhoncus. Etiam vitae gravida libero, sed ultricies elit. Praesent tortor arcu, euismod et euismod at, blandit eget lorem.
Frequently Asked Question
Donec lobortis nisl sit amet purus tempor, at dictum sapien rutrum. Donec laoreet fermentum dui id rhoncus. Etiam vitae gravida libero, sed ultricies elit. Praesent tortor arcu, euismod et euismod at, blandit eget lorem.
Frequently Asked Question
Donec lobortis nisl sit amet purus tempor, at dictum sapien rutrum. Donec laoreet fermentum dui id rhoncus. Etiam vitae gravida libero, sed ultricies elit. Praesent tortor arcu, euismod et euismod at, blandit eget lorem.
Book a Free Discovery Call
Describe how your program has a sliding scaled designed to fit your ideal client’s particular needs. Mention how the free discovery call will give them an opportunity to discuss those needs and find out if you’re a good fit.
3-Month Journey
Morbi sollicitudin, tellus vel facilisis viverra, est nisi pretium enim, sit amet imperdiet lorem lectus a tellus. Duis risus quam, ultricies id nibh sollicitudin, sodales egestas massa. Nulla quis blandit ligula.
Investment: $997
6-Month Journey
Morbi sollicitudin, tellus vel facilisis viverra, est nisi pretium enim, sit amet imperdiet lorem lectus a tellus. Duis risus quam, ultricies id nibh sollicitudin, sodales egestas massa. Nulla quis blandit ligula.
Investment: $1997
9-Month Journey
Morbi sollicitudin, tellus vel facilisis viverra, est nisi pretium enim, sit amet imperdiet lorem lectus a tellus. Duis risus quam, ultricies id nibh sollicitudin, sodales egestas massa. Nulla quis blandit ligula.
Investment: $2997
This is a personal, “let’s get real” message. “Look, I know how pregnancy can be overwhelming…” ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus gravida libero id justo pretium sodales. Aenean iaculis lorem erat, nec dignissim libero porta sit amet. Vestibulum commodo interdum eros, a porttitor justo congue ac. Ut egestas, quam eget efficitur varius, velit odio fermentum erat, non consequat mauris purus quis leo. Morbi a felis a leo vehicula consequat vel id nunc. Ut vitae erat ullamcorper, luctus augue vitae, cursus justo.
Mauris aliquam, urna a vulputate fringilla, augue erat dignissim nisl, vitae bibendum sem sem ac felis. Proin tempus nibh quis libero ultricies malesuada. Nulla vitae maximus lorem. Nam dui orci, tristique id vulputate sed, tincidunt id ligula. Donec facilisis magna ligula, quis facilisis purus condimentum vel. Duis vel felis sollicitudin nisl egestas cursus a at ex. Curabitur tempor libero sit amet auctor vestibulum. Aliquam in leo commodo, pretium tortor et, tempor risus.