Meet Christina

As a nature-based, radical, process-oriented midwife, massage therapist, dancer and movement artist, ceremonialist, and nutrition geek, I have developed a unique perspective on the opportunities inherent in the journey of becoming a mother.

My Philosophy

The physical transformation that naturally happens in pregnancy is a radical invitation to each mother and family to say “YES!” to the deeper opportunities for personal growth. The journey of growing, birthing, and parenting another human is multilayered, complex, and chock full of generative opportunities.

It is the process of giving oneself to these deeper layers of the human experience: finding deeper authenticity, developing more capacity for embodied presence, befriending our shadowy parts, and cultivating our particular sense of belonging in the world, that make the journey sacred, profound, creative, and mythic. That is the journey that I chose, and which chose me, with each of my pregnancies.

If you are reading these words, perhaps you, too, are feeling the call to dive deeper into the transformative potential of your pregnancy, birth, and parenting journey.

Core Belief #1

If you are pregnant, I deeply believe you are ripe for transformation. Your body is already physically changing and growing. Because your body is not separate from the rest of you, your social, emotional, and spiritual identity also feels a deep longing to grow and take a wildly new shape.

Core Belief #2

I believe that the territory of birth is natural and wild, and that like any new adventure, while you can go it alone, you deserve access to a knowledgeable guide who can provide education and personalized care that tends to every aspect of your being along the way.

Core Belief #3

As you nourish and resource yourself on all levels, confront your limiting beliefs and grow beyond them, and develop a deeper relationship with your mind, body, and baby, so you are able to navigate your pregnancy, your birth, and the rest of your life from a more embodied and authentic place of inner wisdom and strength.

My Story

When I became pregnant with my first child, I knew I had begun a consciousness-altering journey that would never end, but would keep shaping me into a Mother as long as I stayed present with it.

I knew I was pregnant for the first time all of a sudden, in a restaurant restroom, of all places. Ceremony can happen anywhere. After washing my hands I looked in the mirror and innocently asked to be introduced to the spirit growing with me. Immediately my visual field was filled with the image of a fierce young woman running through tall grasses, before a backdrop of an apocalyptic looking sunset. Then the eyes of wolf merging with raven. I knew I was in for a ride! So, I went back to the two-top table and let my partner know all I had learned on that brief trip to the potty.

Four years later, A baby black bear visited our house on the full moon when I was 9 months pregnant with my son. I soon knew that in order to be fully ready to give birth. I needed to transform my home into a bear cave, and become the bear and the cave. In the company of two wise women, I was decorated with clay, autumn leaves, and charcoal cave drawings and covered over with thick blankets on a dark October night. A week later I gave birth in that very spot to my little bear.

These ceremonies and many others throughout my life, particularly in my journey of becoming a mother, have helped me weave myself into the living fabric of earth, deepened my sense of belonging, and fortified the connection between my own inner knowing and the generative, wild imagination of the living earth.

I am so grateful to be able to participate in my life and the ever-unfolding story of the world in this particular way, and for the opportunity I have to work with women like you—passionate, growth-oriented women who are longing to experience pregnancy, birth, and the process of becoming a mother as a profound and mysterious journey, and deeply transformative. 


Work With Me

Transformational Birth Coaching for

Passionate & Growth-Oriented Moms

If you feel called by the mysterious shape of your future self—you want to become the Mother you deeply long to be— and you are longing for a seasoned guide to help you discover and cultivate your inner resources so that you can fully inhabit your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum, please explore my coaching program.


I’ve been blessed to work with wonderful clients from coast to coast. Check out what other passionate and growth-oriented parents are saying about working with me.

“Christina has held space for me to explore the vast expanses of my soul, time and time again, in a safe, trustworthy, humorous, true way.”

If there could be only one person at my side during a time of initiation, if I had to share my scariest secret with only one person, I would surely choose Christina. With the greatest integrity, Christina has walked beside me during many life transitions. 

I have called for her help with miscarriage, pregnancy and postpartum support and other major life moments. She has held space for me to explore the vast expanses of my soul, time and time again, in a safe, trustworthy, humorous, true way.

I find myself walking away after being with her as a more beautiful human being, understanding myself better, giving myself more permission, with a desire to create lovely things, and in a restored state of health.

She is highly practical and has an intellectual understanding of what she offers as well as a depth of wisdom coming from deep within herself and informed by her encounters with nature.

Liz Kriso
Transformational Birth Coaching Client
Home Miscarriage & Freebirth at Home of 2nd Baby

Christina was a great mentor for personal growth, self-understanding, and guidance to the answers that lie within.

I appreciated having you for the journey of pregnancy as this was a very new and different approach for me, and I think would have been hard to do alone (or not as pleasant, at least). To have a person hear me out who has a different perspective than my usual perspective was helpful. To live with intention, or attempt to, can be a big shift, and although it’s something I’ve always kind of strived for, it felt like this pregnancy made it more urgent or important. It was helpful to see myself reflected in someone else’s eyes who believed in what I was saying/experiencing/desiring.

There was an urgency and an importance when I was pregnant…a need to connect to natural surroundings, a need to find or seek at least, autonomy. I think overall I’m trying to trust myself and my kids’ needs more.

You were great company/mentor for personal growth, self-understanding, and guidance to the answers that lie within. I feel like we may have many overlapping beliefs, but we may also have many diverging beliefs, and rather than have your beliefs known to me you just listened, which is of course not common in my life. I think I would be a hard person to serve, in a way, and I think you did a great job helping me reach some of my goals, or develop my thoughts.

I’m wanting to continue to live, to seek out experiences for myself and for my family that are meaningful, that give something to us, and it’s nice to have this experience as a reminder of our human and animal possibilities.

Dr. Maria Pia Castillo
VBAC Homebirth of 3rd Baby

Get In Touch

If you have any questions, feel free to use the contact form below or send me an email at [email protected] and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Remember you can also check out my transformational birth coaching program or even book a free discovery call with me so that we can we can discuss your needs and aspirations in a more personal way!