Transformational Birth Coaching for Passionate & Growth-Oriented Moms

Welcome! You have landed in the right place if you are longing to dive deep, dig in, and do the life-changing work of preparing yourself and your baby for the mysterious and transformational journey of birth! You already know there is a lot more to this birth journey than your doctor is acknowledging, you really want to be fully present, embodied, and powerful during your upcoming birth, and you are ready to explore the depths. 

Resources to Get You Started

A healthy birth journey that flows begins with a strong, healthy pregnancy. Here are the two plant-based recipes—a yummy tea infusion and a tasty jam— I want you to take every day to nourish yourself and baby, from the time of conception through labor. Cheers!

Work With Me

Transformational Birth Coaching Journey for Passionate & Growth-Oriented Moms

The way you participate in the birthing process is not determined by chance or hope, it is an extension of the way you choose to live and love in each moment.

This is deep, transformational work and you can do it!

I am here to help you fully utilize this potent time of growth and change in pregnancy to explore your depths and prepare for the birth you truly long for.

Through highly personalized, one-on-one, weekly sessions, I will guide you step by step so that you feel prepared on every level for your birthing journey.

Meet Christina

I am a radically holistic midwife and transformational birth coach who loves helping passionate, growth-oriented women like you prepare on every level for an empowering birth journey and nurturing postpartum with your baby.

 I found myself stepping into this dreamy, juicy role as a transformational birth coach as a kind of culmination after wearing many hats to serve my clients in my homebirth midwifery, bodywork, and consulting practice. Passionate, growth-oriented moms started finding me mysteriously from far and near, wanting some kind of synergistic blend of midwife, childbirth educator,  bodyworker, and guide to personal transformation, to help them reach their particular goals for birth, postpartum recovery, and transformational healing. This work is so fulfilling for me, and it brings together all I have developed and honed in my life so far.

I believe that during your birth journey, you truly deserve guidance, education, and care that tends to every aspect of your being, and honors the relationship between the different aspects of your being, and it is my intention to offer you precisely what you need to cultivate your birth vision, from the practical recommendations to personal transformational guidance in a highly tuned, individualized way.


I’ve been blessed to work with truly wonderful people from coast-to-coast. Check out what other passionate and growth-oriented parents are saying about working with me.

With Christina’s guidance, I became the mother I needed to be.

My desire for my first time birth was to be as natural as possible, while delivering at a hospital.  I’m so thankful to have spent much of my third trimester preparing mentally, emotionally, and physically with Christina to make sure that I could be open and ready, follow my heart and lead our birth journey with confidence.  Each session helped me become more confident in myself and grounded in my strength as a mom, realizing that I’m my baby’s best advocate and it’s my responsibility to stand up for what I believe and know is best for her. 

With Christina’s guidance, I became the mother I needed to be — starting with how our baby would make her journey into the world. I felt that my husband and I had the practice, knowledge, and remote support necessary to create a beautiful first labor and delivery.  Most importantly, all of the work that we did with Christina beforehand helped us navigate some very tough hospital conversations before birth and make our first big decision as parents … all with complete serenity. 

We were wholly aligned in our decisions and followed our intuition that led to our dream birth outcome.  I have never felt more spiritually connected and in tune with my body and baby, than during what I consider a miraculous and empowering birth.  This was by far the most monumental event in my life and having Christina for a birth coach throughout truly made it a dream experience that I am proud to share and will treasure always.

Ann Stout
Transformational Birth Coaching Client
Hospital Birth of First Baby

“Christina is knowledgeable, empowering, and tuned-in. She has this gift of providing resources and answers while also making you feel more empowered and capable on your own.”

Christina was an angel and a godsend during the last month or so of my pregnancy. I found her when my baby was breech and I was looking for resources. At the time I wasn’t getting the support I needed from my midwife, and Christina’s support was exactly what I needed.

While other practitioners minimized my concerns and anxieties, she listened carefully and gave me tools or suggestions for EVERYTHING I was concerned about. I felt empowered knowing there was something I could do to increase the chances of a better birth outcome, and/or help with my anxiety.

Christina is knowledgeable, empowering, and tuned-in. She has this gift of providing resources and answers while also making you feel more empowered and capable on your own. She helped me when I had a preeclampsia scare, and when my baby was late. I ended up giving birth to an 11 lb 2 oz baby at home in 6.5 hours!!! (First baby.) That is something I will forever be proud of and Christina’s support and knowledge was invaluable in making that possible.


Carissa Morris                                                                                                                Transformational Birth Coaching Client
Homebirth of First Baby

Get In Touch

If you have any questions, feel free to use the contact form below or send me an email at [email protected] and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Remember you can also check out my transformational birth coaching program or even book a free discovery call with me so that we can we can discuss your needs and aspirations in a more personal way!